"Split-Tales of Split-Tails" by Pat Parsons is an extraordinary portrayal of a young man's zest for life and his unwavering commitment to savoring every moment


From the very beginning, the author invites readers into a world where pleasure, both good and bad, becomes the guiding force in shaping the protagonist’s unique journey.

What sets this book apart is its candid exploration of the protagonist’s unapologetic pursuit of pleasure. Parsons does not shy away from portraying the character’s decisions, be they morally questionable or socially unconventional. The narrative invites readers to reflect on the nature of pleasure, morality, and the consequences of one’s choices.

“Split-Tales of Split-Tails” does not merely focus on the hedonistic pursuit of pleasure; it delves into the deeper questions of existentialism, morality, and the consequences of one’s choices. Parsons prompts readers to ponder the significance of a life lived fully, even if it means embracing the unconventional and facing the repercussions.

Indie Author

Keith Vance

I love to entertain with people, because if you like poetry they will like my book. My mission is to enlighten people in the things that I’ve experienced and to present my self in a very unique way as possible. I would like to be seen as an open-minded author from my readers.

My books are all about my experiences as a person. Its not the product of my imagination but rather a product of my open-mindedness as a person with all things that I encountered from the past. I tell the people stories about my life from my childhood and how I manage to deal with different situations.

People who are interested in poetry, who loves entertainment, who want to know my personal stories and those who are open-minded of anything in life.
