An enthralling tale that delves into the life of Skip Jordan, a young protagonist whose destiny seems intertwined with a higher purpose

SKIP JORDAN and the Veil of Deception

Saved from a life-threatening event at the tender age of four, Skip wonders if there is a special reason behind his survival. Drawing parallels to the biblical story of Joseph, the narrative unfolds to reveal a path where Skip must embark on a mission to save many from impending danger. The narrative weaves together fantasy, drama, and adventure, creating a captivating story that resonates with readers of all ages. Amidst the fantastical elements, the novel remains grounded in truth and light, offering a compelling exploration of the human spirit’s resilience in the face of impossible odds. “Skip Jordan and the Veil of Deception” is a testament to the enduring power of courage, friendship, and the pursuit of a higher calling.

Born in South Africa in 1943, Christopher Shennan really began to live on August 29, 1967, when he was born again through the power of Jesus Christ. Since then, only one passion has consumed him: to communicate the love of Christ through any and every means at his disposal.

While attending Wesleyan Evangelical Seminary, he was launched into a children’s ministry, which led to his founding a ministry called Children for Christ, which in turn led to the formation of Children’s Radio Ministries.

He married Pamela Sanders in 1976, which was when he wrote his first book, The Toymaker’s Dream, published by Christian Literature Crusade in 1980, leading to its translation and publication into French, Hungarian, and Polish, as well as a stage musical production in the Check Republic.

Christopher and his family served as missionaries in Zimbabwe, where he established a church among the Shona tribe before moving to Canada in 1984. Personal evangelism has been his passion, and he has taught the subject numerous times to great effect. This led to the writing of a soon-to-be published manual, The Making of a Personal Evangelist. Since his so-called “retirement” in 2008, his involvement in Bible teaching, counseling, and even pastoring a church in Cape Sable Island, Nova Scotia, has kept him busy.

With thirteen published books behind him, his passion is to pass on all that God has taught him to the next generation. He expects five new novels and numerous non-fiction projects to take him the rest of his life.

Married for 48 years to his wife, Christopher is celebrating their wedding anniversary on April 20th. Additionally, Christopher has two upcoming books: “Masterpiece” and “The Simplicity of Prayer.”
