Silky And Penelope: (And What They Did To Me)
“Silky and Penelope: (And What They Did to Me)” by Brenda Gill is a whimsical tale that unfolds in the enchanting world of a Fairy Tree. The story revolves around two mischievous spiders, Silky and Penelope, who harbor a fear of the towering protagonist. The spiders, being small and fragile, craftily spin a web to hide from their perceived threat. The narrative captures the tension between the protagonist’s height and the spiders’ delicate nature, creating a delightful interplay of size differences.
Gill skillfully weaves a tale of intricate webs and hidden antics, portraying the spiders as both clever and fearful. The author’s playful language and rhythmic prose add a charming quality to the story, making it an engaging read for both children and adults alike. As the spiders attempt to conceal themselves, the narrative explores themes of friendship, understanding, and the unexpected bonds that can form in the most unlikely places.
The contrast between the spiders’ tricky behavior and the kindness of the fairies residing in the Fairy Tree adds depth to the storyline. Gill uses the element of surprise to keep readers captivated, providing a delightful twist to the narrative. Overall, “Silky and Penelope” is a delightful and imaginative tale that not only entertains but also imparts valuable lessons about acceptance and embracing differences in an endearing and light-hearted manner.
Indie Author
Brenda Gill
Brenda Gill, a Canadian artist known for her diverse creative endeavors, possesses an interdisciplinary approach to her work. Throughout her high school years, she actively participated in Theatre Arts, Creative Writing (particularly poetry), and Fine Art, supplementing her studies with additional pursuits in piano, voice, and painting. Graduating with a B.A. in Music from the University of Guelph, Brenda honed her skills in composing music and continued her pursuits in music composition, songwriting, and painting.
Over the years, she has dedicated herself to painting, composing music, writing lyrics, and showcasing her vocal talents. Brenda has successfully launched four CDs and created two videos, with one notable work, “Silky and Penelope (And What They Did To Me),” both written and illustrated by her. For more information, you can visit her website at