A young boy, looking for something to eat; lacking that, something to sell for food.


In the process he helps foil a crime; gets himself embroiled in numerous adventures; loses a Father, Sister and Mother to cannibals (but not all at once) and before the book ends, manages to kill those who killed his family; while creating a varied family of his own. The story ends by explaining the beginning.

Indie Author

David Davies

Dave Davies, a remarkable author, is a unique blend of 3/4 Caucasian and 1/4 American Indian, celebrating his vibrant life at the age of 80. Possessing an exceptional memory, Dave’s recollection extends back to the extraordinary experience of being inside his mother’s womb, vividly remembered in a series of color snap-shots, not as a full-length movie.

His lifelong passion for literature blossomed even before he could read, finding joy in gazing at books and weaving imaginative tales to accompany the pictures. Though once an avid lover of the outdoors, the aging process has shifted his focus, but not diminished his creative spirit.

Dave cherishes a treasure trove of at least a dozen untold stories, each waiting to be shared with the world. As he continues to navigate the journey of life, only time will reveal the unfolding chapters of his literary legacy. With a rich tapestry of cultural heritage and a kaleidoscope of memories, Dave Davies invites readers to join him on a literary journey that spans a lifetime of experiences and imaginative storytelling.