Fort Nowhere, Vietnam, is based on actual people, paces and events that occurred between September 1970 and March 1971
Fort Nowhere, Vietnam
In the fall of 1970, a young reporter, eager to learn what the Vietnam War is really all about, gets himself sent to a small forward Army camp in the Central Highlands that the men have dubbed Fort Nowhere. As time passes and he becomes more and more involved with the men and their mission, he realizes that this small company of dedicated soldiers are the only ones standing between the friendly people of the village and the murderous Viet Cong who want to wipe them off the map.
Along the way, he learns about life, love, courage and despair and discovers something about himself that he’ll forever wish he hadn’t as he becomes a member of this unusual brotherhood.
It is a hard-hitting, often heartbreaking story of men in combat and the lives of the people they touched and vividly depicts the ways that the horror and chaos of combat brings out the very best–and worst—of the men who endure it.
Indie Author
Arthur Wilderhold
I started writing and drawing comic books while in junior high school in Brooklyn, NY .I started with short stories which led to my creating AW Comics in 1963. It was a very small operation and we published 70 comics by 1980. I wrote a play in high school which won me an award. I also directed it.
In 1980 I published my first novel (The Avenger of Thule) and a fantasy role playing game (Second Dawn). My interest in history, archaeology and travel led to a career as a journalist and photographer (1980 to 1989), mostly as a military journalist.
Since moving to St.Louis in 1989, I’ve published 40 novels and a cookbook and relaunched AW Comix (2018). I am also a paranormal investigator.
My novels span several genres and I hope in unique ways. You already have the titles and I’m working on 4 others.
My overall goal is to write and publish 50 novels and 100 comic books.
Family and close friends are most important. Nothing else really matters.
I’ve never really thought about such things.
USP: Since my works span several genres it depends on what potential readers are looking for. Hopefully I can offer them something unique in the world of fantasy/adventure/erotica that will make them want to read more of my books.
EVERYONE depending on each particular book or series.