A group of space-faring people from another solar system is forced to flee from their home planet after being attacked by invaders.
Cold Planet
They decided to head to Earth where they know they’ll be welcomed by Emperor Arka-Dal of Thule. As they gate into our solar system, they are forced to make a crash landing on Mars. Once there, they find the ruins of a long-lost Earth colony and quickly learn why all the colonists are dead.
Unaware of their predicament and lacking the technology to effect a rescue, Arka-Dal and his friends must deal with a mysterious invading army themselves and try to discover just what they are after.
Cold Planet is the twelfth book in the popular Thulian chronicles and is one of the author’s best. It is a story within a story that will have readers on the edge of their seats and will leave them wanting more. It is a must-read for fans of the other books in the series. It takes this chronicles in a new and fantastic direction!
Indie Author
Arthur Wilderhold
I started writing and drawing comic books while in junior high school in Brooklyn, NY .I started with short stories which led to my creating AW Comics in 1963. It was a very small operation and we published 70 comics by 1980. I wrote a play in high school which won me an award. I also directed it.
In 1980 I published my first novel (The Avenger of Thule) and a fantasy role playing game (Second Dawn). My interest in history, archaeology and travel led to a career as a journalist and photographer (1980 to 1989), mostly as a military journalist.
Since moving to St.Louis in 1989, I’ve published 40 novels and a cookbook and relaunched AW Comix (2018). I am also a paranormal investigator.
My novels span several genres and I hope in unique ways. You already have the titles and I’m working on 4 others.
My overall goal is to write and publish 50 novels and 100 comic books.
Family and close friends are most important. Nothing else really matters.
I’ve never really thought about such things.
USP: Since my works span several genres it depends on what potential readers are looking for. Hopefully I can offer them something unique in the world of fantasy/adventure/erotica that will make them want to read more of my books.
EVERYONE depending on each particular book or series.