ALIEN COURTSHIP: Mootoa’s Moons 2

Leah is pregnant. She should not be pregnant. She is too old, why would any woman over 30 have sex with a man? Tieko Fawsen knew that he had an engine that could get a ship to travel faster than light. Shuekra Kilmose was an engineer who knew that no one could travel faster than light. The only hope for the crowded planet was to mine the others in the system.

Chin Nick Oil knew that anyone traveling in Supraspace closer than 2 astronomical units to a star would blow up, themselves, the star, and anyone close enough. She suggests that Lorili run away. If someone wants to blow themselves up, that’s their privilege. “By accident?” was the chief engineer’s comment.

Susan Quilleash, a retired army sergeant living in Colorado Springs, when not writing, spends her time in volunteer work for her church and the local LGBT community. Also retired from 19 years in the public schools as a high school Math teacher and substitute. She has lived and worked on four continents. A boy until she grew up to be a woman, she has worked as a cowboy, cook, soldier, carpenter, teacher, politician, and writer.

She loves teaching. She also loves Mathematics and is also fascinated by History and feels it is important for everyone who votes, and if you can legally vote, you should know what the government does and how.
