In "Agony of Three Griefs More!," Charlie Liebert delves into the profound pain and complex emotions experienced by Christian parents Terry and himself after the tragic suicide of their son Keith.

Agony of Three Griefs More!: Christian Parents’ Compound Grief for Our Son’s Suicide

The book opens with the chilling moment when they receive the devastating news from authorities, shattering their world and plunging them into a vortex of grief and disbelief. What follows is a poignant exploration of their journey through three distinct layers of mourning, each more harrowing than the last.

The first layer of grief is universal, stemming from the fundamental understanding that death, especially by one’s hand, contradicts the natural order intended by God. Terry and Charlie grapple with the incomprehensibility of their son’s suicide, wrestling with questions of purpose and divine plan amidst their heart-wrenching sorrow. As they navigate this initial phase, they confront the raw reality of loss and the myriad emotions that accompany such a profound tragedy.

The book then delves deeper into the additional layers of grief unique to their situation. They grapple with the shock and anguish of losing a loved one unexpectedly, compounded by the agonizing realization that Keith departed this life without a professed faith. Their grief becomes intertwined with profound spiritual introspection, wrestling with questions of salvation, divine mercy, and the afterlife. Through their candid narrative, Terry and Charlie offer a raw and authentic portrayal of grief, faith, and the tumultuous journey toward healing after unimaginable loss.

Indie Author

Charlie Liebert

Charlie Liebert’s transformative journey from Atheism to Christianity in 1977 significantly shifted his life trajectory. Embracing Christianity at the age of 35, he delved into an intensive intellectual exploration that profoundly influenced his subsequent work. His focus on Biblical truths, particularly in contrast to Evolution, shaped his career as an author and advocate, emphasizing Young Earth Creationism after years of study and contemplation.

The transition wasn’t abrupt but a gradual evolution over three years, leading to his lifelong dedication to spreading awareness about Creationism. Establishing the “Creation, Dinosaurs, and the Flood (CDEF)” ministry in 1994 post-retirement from CIBA-Geigy, he utilized platforms like the “Creation Education Foundation” TV show to educate and inform viewers on Creationist perspectives, drawing from Genesis for insights. For two years, 1997-1999, Charlie conducted Workshops and Seminars for children and adults under the auspices of Ken Ham’s ministry, Answers in Genesis.

Beyond broadcasting, Liebert made substantial contributions to education, notably guiding the adoption of Classical teaching methods at Caldwell Community Classical Christian Academy. His influence extended to homeschooling workshops, seminars, and literature encompassing fiction, nonfiction, and Christian-themed works. With a career spanning chemical industry expertise and educational advocacy, his legacy reflects a rich and fulfilling life journey centered on faith, knowledge, and family joy in Carlisle, PA, alongside his wife Terry, children, and grandchildren.