Indie Author
Atty. Ronald E.

A Writer and A Retired Lawyer

Ronald Edward Gaffney is a retired lawyer living in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. He attended St. Francis Xavier University in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, and later received his law degree at the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton.


“The Battle for Nova Scotia: A Trilogy of Tales,” a wonderfully well-written historical fiction work that is an exceptional read for anyone who appreciates history. Even if you are not too familiar with the subject nature in its entirety you are sure to thoroughly appreciate Gaffney’s writing style. The events as they unfold and the characters experiencing them truly are a cut above the rest, Whether you are a fan of historical pieces or not, this book is for anyone who is looking to broaden their horizon as a whole. – AMY K.

Translated through letters from two prominent historical figures, the book sheds light on a prominent historical event where the British and the French struggled head-on to claim a piece of prime American land.


“The Battle of Nova Scotia: A Trilogy of Tales” takes the reader straight into the battlefield in a journal entry account of Lieutenant Andre. Andre is assigned to a special job in Acadia because he can speak English and is intelligent. Along the way, he has to tie up the loose ends of his past with his father, ex-wife, and daughter, determine whom he can trust and who is out to betray him and hold the fate of the war in his hands. – A CANNADY

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